Date Night IDeas

  1. Tackle a project together.
  2. Go on a hike.
  3. Take a walk on the beach & pier.
  4. Cuddle up and watch a spiritually uplifting movie.
  5. Go salsa dancing.
  6. The kitchen also makes the perfect place for a dance.
  7. Get creative in the kitchen together.
  8. Write a love letter to each other.
  9. Pick out an encouraging devotional to read together.
  10. Go on a picnic.
  11. Ice Cream, enough said.
  12. Play a board game.
  13. Watch a sunset in a beautiful place.
  14. Take a trip to the farmer’s market.
  15. Get a couple of canvases, turn on music, and paint together.
  16. Enjoy a cup of coffee and talk about meaningful things.
  17. Go on a road trip.
  18. Learn to play an instrument together.
  19. Go to a park and take a stroll.
  20. Write a poem for each other.
  21. Look at old pictures together.
  22. Go on a gym date together.
  23. Plan a trip to a revival/conference.
  24. Read a book together.
  25. Volunteer in your community together.
  26. Go to a museum/learn about history.
  27. Enjoy an evening of stargazing.
  28. Roast marshmallows over a bonfire.
  29. Go see the lights around the holidays.
  30. Go see a movie.
  31. Go see a play.
  32. Go rock climbing.
  33. Take a trip to the zoo.
  34. Go roller or ice skating.
  35. Go on a scavenger hunt.
  36. Play a game of tennis.
  37. Watch your favorite NFL team on tv together.
  38. Or actually go to a game in person.
  39. Explore a new nearby town.
  40. Attend a pottery class.
  41. Or maybe even try glass blowing.
  42. Have fun at an amusement park.
  43. Plan a day by your favorite body of water.
  44. Go Bowling.
  45. Build a fantasy football team together (Your guy may love this idea)
  46. Go on a bike ride.
  47. Play paintball.
  48. Try out later tag (it’s really fun)
  49. Go to church together.
  50. Cuddle and look up at the stars.